I made my annual summer trip home to NB to visit the family, and friends who are practically family.
I spent a night in PEI in search of something new to explore and found the cutest village called Victoria. It reminded me of the small fishing villages in NB like Peggy's Cove. It was a bit tricky to find the place and my map App took us on what felt like a wild goose chase, but we made it. The nearby beach was filled with cool little critters like crabs and snails.
The Drive
Victoria Provincial Park
These are pics from Victoria. Can you tell the weather sucked?
Why buy prints when you can simply take a picture of them for free? So pretty.
Here's a new food adventure for me: chocolate covered chips from Cows, PEI. They are actually quite tasty with a nice combo of salty and sweet.
My adventurous endeavor in NB was sea kayaking the highest tides in the world at the Bay of Fundy's Hopewell Rocks. If you've never been to Hopewell Rocks you should definitely put it on your bucket list of things to see. The rock formations alone are beautifully stunning, but the extreme low and high tides are the real show. At low tide you can walk out on the ocean floor in ankle deep mud for miles and miles. But at high tide you can't even get down the stairs to the beach. In fact, there is no beach, only water. I took lots of pics to show the drastic changes from low to high tide and tried to capture our experience of what it was like to kayak around and through the rocks. I have kayaked before in Canada and the Caribbean but this was truly an awe-inspiring treat. It was fairly easy and great for anyone in decent shape. I would definitely recommend sea kayaking The Rocks. Here's their link: www.baymountadventures.com
Low Tide
High Tide
The motel we stayed at in Hopewell Cape (Hopewell Rocks Motel) was super cute and quite great as far as motels go. It has a pretty view of the water, an outdoor heated pool, and continental breakfast. It's also less than a 5 min. drive to The Rocks. It was totally worth $100 in my opinion.
This is the view from the back porch of my room.