Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Target Sports Canada

I've been compiling a list of things to see and do for quite some time.  Some involve travel while others include activities that I've always wanted to try but was stymied by fear.  In the past month I've been crossing items off the list such as indoor rock climbing and indoor skydiving.  Both are pretty awesome, by the way.

Target Sports Canada is a target shooting establishment.  They offer classes for training, memberships, firearm and equipment sales, ranges, and opportunities to fire various firearms for both licensed and unlicensed visitors.  I am unlicensed and have never even held a firearm before, with the exception of a BB gun and pellet gun many years ago.

I can share my recent experience as an unlicensed visitor at Target Sports Canada.  Their policy for unlicensed patrons is this:  no experience necessary, no single shooters - you must come with at least one other person, walk-in on a first-come, first-serve basis, you must complete a waiver form, and you must provide a government issued ID with proof of address.

As per their website

How the pricing works is as followed. You need to purchase a range pass to use the facility, as well as ammunition for use with our guns. When looking at costs you just add the range pass fee with the ammo fee.
As a walk-in shooter, you have the flexibility to design your own shooting package. The cost to you is the appropriate day pass plus the cost of ammunition as listed below:
Range Pass:
Adult Monday - Thursday (18+) - $42.00 
Adult Friday, Saturday, Sunday And Holidays - $52.00
Accompanied Youth - $25.00
As an unlicensed shooter, you cannot purchase ammunition.  It must be supplied by us and used up before you leave the facility.  We only provide full boxes of new factory ammunition to ensure safety and reliability.
9mm 50 Rounds = $30.00
.40S&W 50 Rounds = $40.00
.45ACP 50 Rounds = $50.00
.357 Magnum 6 Rounds = $15.00
.44 Magnum 6 Rounds = $25.00
.50 A.E.Desert Eagle 6 Rounds = $30.00 (currently not available)
9mm Rifle (PSA) 10 Rounds = $10.00
.45 Rifle (Kriss Vector) 10 Rounds = $15.00
.223 Remington 10 Rounds = $20.00
7.62x39mm 10 Rounds = $20.00
.308 Winchester 5 Rounds = $15.00
50 BMG = $30.00
12 Gauge Buckshot 5 Rounds = $15.00
Read & sign Target Sports waiver (PHOTO ID MUST BE SHOWN). Then there will be a short safety briefing including the range rules.
All safety equipment is provided!
Each person is then individually shown the correct handling of the firearms and will shoot under the direct supervision of a Range Officer. 
Shooters will be coached on correct style and technique, our emphasis is for the shooters to have fun in a safe atmosphere"

I arrived early since I'm a keener and dislike wasting the day away in traffic or line-ups.  Because of this, I was in the first class/group of the day.  My group consisted of about 15 people, one being a young boy accompanied by his father.  For some reason I assumed that there would be a 30-40 minute class or lesson prior to the target shooting because after the signing of the waiver you are instructed to wait in the classroom.  What really happened was a very brief demonstration and explanation, approximately 10 minutes, of what we would be using and how we would be using them.  The weekend package included a 9mm handgun with 10 rounds, .40 caliber handgun with 10 rounds, .45 caliber handgun with 10 rounds, and an AR-15 rifle with 10 rounds = $98 per person.  After the class you are given ear and eye protectors before you enter the double-door locked bay.  Target Sports Canada has a number of bays for target shooting but I was given access to one.  This is how it works:  once the entire group enters the bay there is a long red line on the floor for non-shooters to stand behind; the bay consists of about 8-10 stalls (that's what I'm calling them) for a shooter to enter and take practise at the target; for our group there were 4 guns so there were 4 instructors in four stalls handling the guns and assisting each of us as we took our turns (10 rounds from each gun).  Since I was standing at the end of the line, I started with the biggest and most powerful firearm and worked my way to the least (AR-15, .45 cal., .40 cal., 9mm).  Once you enter the stall the instructor hands you the weapon and stands directly beside you until your 10 rounds are finished.  After the 10 are completed you place the gun down and leave the stall.  This is the procedure for each firearm until you have used all 4 guns.

My experience in the bay was quite frightening and shocking.  Seeing and hearing guns being fired on TV is NOTHING like being right beside them.  The sounds are unbelievably loud, even with ear protectors.  The handguns create a very loud "BANG!" while the rifles make a thundering "BOOM!". The toxic odour of gunpowder is overwhelmingly sickening to the point where the instructors must wear face masks to protect their health from hours of exposure.  And then there's the burning hot casings flying literally everywhere after each bullet is expelled.  I had to dodge casings even from behind the red line and while shooting one actually hit my forehead.  The technique for shooting each firearm is very tricky as well.  It's easy enough to simply say, "Point the red dot at the X in the red target and pull the trigger."  What you aren't prepared for is the recoil from each firing, and every firearm I used had a recoil.  Add into that the stench of gunpowder, the incredibly loud bangs and booms, and then the hot casings flying all over you.  How did I do?  Well, some were OK and some were pretty bad.  I'm not sure what to expect from a person with little to no experience.  

I'm not sure how to rank this activity, recommend or not recommend?  It really depends on you.  Life is about learning and experiencing, and not all will be positive.  I don't regret trying it, but I'm pretty sure I won't be returning any time soon.