Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Week 44: Baking My First Pie

Isn't the aroma of freshly baked goodies heavenly?  I've often said that bakers create the most beautifully delicious food.  Whether you choose to taste them or simply enjoy their sweetly decadent scent and mouth-watering eye candy, baked goods are truly special.  That is unless it's this baker who's creating them.

Ever since I baked those muffins a while back I had set my mind on baking a pie.  Why pie?  Because I've never made a pie before.  Of course I didn't bake one from scratch.  That's simply not my personality, nor is it practical.  I knew the grocery stores sold canned pie fillings and ready-made pie crusts.  I figured it looked fairly easy.  The problem I had was that most pies require a top crust and they don't sell those parts.  I was going to make a pumpkin pie since it didn't need a top crust, but the can filling only contained pumpkin.  I'd have to get all the other ingredients and mix it together.  Way too much work!  My favourite pie is actually blueberry so it was the winning choice.  Plus, it has everything you need in one can, minus the crust.  And there was the crust problem once again.  The ready-made crust is a Graham cracker crust.  Someone once gave me a piece of pumpkin pie with this exact same crust and it was quite delicious.  However, I still needed a top crust for my blueberry pie.  I decided to buy a bag of Graham crumbs and try to cover the blueberry filling with a layer of Graham crumbs as a top crust.  I really had no idea what to expect, but it was the best I could come up with.  You have to be a little adventurous when cooking, right?  Anyway, I put the three together and baked my pie according to the instructions on the pie filling, 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

This is what my blueberry pie looked like upon completion directly from the oven:

This is what it looked like after I butchered it attempting to cut myself a slice to try:

And, this is what it looked like after sharing a piece with my informal food critic:

She thought it was pretty good.  To be honest, I kinda enjoyed it too.  The downside is that it looks so rugged and unappealing.  Rugged isn't really a baker's adjective of choice.  Oh well.  I guess its taste is more important than its appearance.  It's like they say, "You can't judge a book (pie) by its cover (ruggedness)."

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