Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 53: FORD FEST (Celebrating Toronto's Famous/Infamous Mayor)

Last week I received the most interesting telephone message.  It was an invitation to Mayor Rob Ford's annual Ford Fest being held this year in Scarborough at Thompson Memorial Park.  You don't have to be a Torontonian to know who Rob Ford is.  He's been all over the international news for various scandals, the most recent being for alleged crack use.  I just HAD to take the Ford family up on their kind offer to see what this Ford Fest would involve.  With Ford, you never know.  I have no idea how to, if even possible, attach an audio file to this blog so I created a Photo Booth video so that you could listen to the Ford Fest invite I received.

So, I arrived at 8pm and was surprised at the large number of people.  I guess that was pretty dumb of me since they were offering free food, drinks, and entertainment.

There were line-ups all over the place and no one really seemed to know what they were in line for.  I signed some clipboard, probably not the best decision, and received a Rob Ford business card.  I thought that maybe I'd receive a gift like a Rob Ford bobblehead or something; no such luck.

After some further detective work I found a little tent where the big man himself was taking photos with people.  By the way, that was what one of the big line-ups was for.  I betcha those who were expecting a hamburger and hot dog were really disappointed after reaching the front of that line.  I would have LOVED a picture with our great mayor but I was not getting in any lines for anyone.  However, something wonderful and magical did happen. As Mr. Mayor took a brief break from photos he decided to shake hands with those surrounding the tent.  THAT'S WHERE I WAS!  I was one of the last to be blessed with his moist palm, but it did in fact happen.

As for the entertainment -  Well, there was a singer named Jenny James who actually sang a song dedicated to Rob Ford.
The lyrics went something like this:

"Mayor Ford - last cowboy.
Mayor Ford - Toronto's defender.
He stood tall amidst accusations.
Mayor Ford, the one you'll remember."

And no, I'm not making this up.  Don't worry if you missed it.  I'm sure it'll be on the Juno list for next year.  Oh, what a night!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Michelle,
    You can watch this video of the event in Thomson Memorial Park:
