Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Week 27: A Little Party Action in a Little City Called Miramichi

I've been kinda off the grid for over a week because I was home visiting my family and friends for the holidays.  I refer to two places as my home, Miramichi, New Brunswick and Toronto.  I spent the first 25 years of my life in NB and the rest have been out here in Ontario.  I'm very proud of where I come from and make it a habit of going out east twice a year, every winter and summer.  However, I love Toronto and it has been a perfect fit for me ever since I moved here about 15 years ago.  Usually I spend my time at home in NB primarily visiting everyone.  This time I had some plans to go out for some fun.  The younger crowd in Miramichi have no idea what they missed out on when the Opera House was open.  It was by far one of the coolest bars/clubs I've ever been to and had something for pretty much everyone.  However, sadly the Opera House burned down several years ago and that was the end of that.  Nowadays, if you want to go out for some drinks and music you have a choice of a few pubs and that's it.  I personally don't like live bands (except for concerts of my choice) because they always play old music that I would only listen to if bored, desperate, or depressed.  When I go out for some fun I want current top 40 music to dance to.  Anyway, we ended up going out to a local pub in Miramichi called O'Donaghues which is an Irish pub and restaurant.  They had a live band that night who performed for us.  I wish I could tell you the band's name but I have no idea.  I did, though, know the drummer because I grew up two houses down from him as a child.  It's that kind of a small town.  They played well and I have nothing against them, but it was exactly what I don't enjoy about live bands.  It was older music that I would never choose to party to.  There were people there who did enjoy the music and had a yeehaw good time.  I made a couple of short videos to give you a real feel for my big night out on the town.

So, all in all I would say thank God I left Miramichi before the Opera House burned down because I never would have made it through my twenties.  I'd like to offer a big shout out to my awesome company and DD for the night.

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