Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week 6: Cooking an Egg, McMuffin Style

Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I don't cook.  I love and highly respect food from around the world, however.  I know I am fully capable of learning how to cook and I'm a very determined individual once I set my mind to something.  Anyway, a while back I bought this cute egg cooking thing from Kitchen Stuff Plus with the idea of creating my own version of the famous McMuffin breakfast sandwich.  Last night I was hungry and decided to finally try the egg cooking thingy.  Here's a video of my efforts:

Right after I finished the video I noticed that the egg was cooked underneath but still looked the same on top.  That's not how McMuffins are supposed to look.  So, I decided to take the egg out of the circle cooking thing and flip it over.  By the time that side was cooked it had totally lost its cool shape and simply resembled a fried egg.  I was slightly disappointed but it tasted fine, shells and all. 


  1. Michelle, I laughed through the whole video of you cooking the egg in your new "cute egg cooking thing".
    I marvelled at how new and pristine your frying pan looked!!
    Keep persevering and one day you'll be on Top Chef Canada.

  2. Yeah! Congratulations! Practice makes perfect. Soon you'll be inviting me over for lunch.
