Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 8: CNE - Deep Fried Chocolate And A Ride With A View

Deep Fried:

I absolutely love going to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) every year.  It's 18 days of bliss.  When I was a kid I'd go to our mini Miramichi exhibition for the rides and games.  Now that I'm older I go for the shopping, shows, food, and sights.  The CNE offers various "interesting" foods such as deep fried Twinkies, deep fried Oreo, deep fried butter, deep fried peanut butter and jelly, deep fried Snickers bar, deep fried Kool Aid, chocolate covered bacon, etc.  Chocolate is one of my favourite foods and I think that you could deep fry dirt and it would be tasty.  Last night I had the opportunity to try something very naughty...  a deep fried Mars bar.  Put the two together and you get............  HEAVEN! 

Look on the plate.  It's not a bird.  It's not a plane.  It's not a turd.  It's a DEEP FRIED MARS BAR!

It may not look overly appealing but it was truly rich and decadent.  I wouldn't suggest you eat it alone though.  It's definitely a treat you should share with the adventurous.  And don't make it a habit either.  I'm going back to the CNE this weekend and again next weekend too.  I plan on sampling some other interesting foods.  I may end up blogging from the hospital by the end of it. 

Sky Ride:

As I mentioned, I'm not really into the rides like I once was as a kid but I'm always up for something new.  The Sky Ride is a new attraction that resembles a ski chair lift.  It sits 40 feet above the ground and gives you a beautiful panoramic view of the exhibition grounds, Lake Ontario, and Toronto skyline.  You definitely won't get a ride rush but you can sit back and enjoy the great view.  The cost?  This ride requires 4 coupons per person.  The total for 2 people to enjoy the Sky Ride is $10.  Crazy, eh? 


  1. Oh how descriptive you are and I am glad that you are not eating a deep fried turd. I suggest chocolate covered bacon next. :)

  2. I had the mars bar too. I have to say some of the food is absolutely revolting, like nutella and bacon...really why? Have fun the next two times at the ex.
