Things To See And Do

Stay tuned and updated on all my new travels and experiences during the following 14 months.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 13: I Can Bake Cookies... Sort Of

I actually have baked something before.  Several years ago I baked a cake for a colleague for her birthday.  I remember it quite vividly because I didn't have a mixing bowl so I was forced to use a juice pitcher instead.  It worked fine.  The cake was a bit lopsided and sunken in but it was completely edible and even tasted quite good.  It wasn't from scratch because I used one of those Betty Crocker cake mixes.  But it counts, right?  Since I had already made a cake this time I wanted to bake something completely new to me, and something that didn't require special tools like mixing bowls (I still don't have any).  So, I chose to bake some cookies.  To set myself up for success, I thought it would be a good idea to get the easiest option out there:  President's Choice Baked By You Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookie dough.  I figured I couldn't go wrong with that.  All you have to do is cut the dough and put it on the cookie sheet (I actually have one).  The hardest part of this entire process was getting the damn dough out of the packaging.  I tried cutting with one knife and cutting with another knife, slicing in one direction, slicing in another direction, rolling the packaging, you name it.  What a fiasco that was.  However, after I finally put all my 6 years of post secondary education to work I got the dough out! 

You are probably wondering how they turned out.  Well, let's just say they were DELICIOUS.  They were so good I ate 3 of them... and then I felt sick:(

It's like my mother said, "Watch out Martha Stewart."


  1. I wish I was there to see you wrestling with the cookie dough!

  2. Yeah! Next time try from scratch. I promise they will be even better. :)
    Peace out
